Photos and Videos
To Our Fellow Grand Luxxe Residence and Other Club Members...
A picture is worth a thousand words. Thank You!
We appreciate the time and effort you spend keeping us up to date with the Grupo Vidanta Properties and your excursions.
Over fifty of our viewers have contributed photos and videos. They have helped us all better understand the purchase we all have made. Thanks goes out to everyone who has participated.
Videos are terrific. We have seen videos from several members, and they have increased our feeling of the subject matter and conditions of the property at the time of the video. Great to see the RCI videos too.
Photos and videos from viewers are gifts. It takes time to take the photos, review them for relevance and send them in. Without the wonderful contributions from everyone, we all would be relying on words.....and lots of them. Thank goodness we have active fellow owners.
This series of photos depicts the reason we exist....a picture is worth one thousand words.
Aimfair members and participants have contributed over 7,300 photos and videos since we began in September, 2008. This page lists member's photos and videos in one place. It includes creators of both photos and videos of all locations.
Please note:
- Click on the writeup, not the picture to see the photos and content for the date taken.
- All the columns are sortable. Just click on the column title to toggle the sort from one direction to the other (i.e.) oldest to newest, Creator ascending or descending, Location.
- Photos in the Current News and Corners Sections are not yet included in this page. We are working on that.
- Most current photos are only viewable by Subscribing Members. If you receive the dreaded "Oops" page, you may need to Subscribe to Aimfair or renew your subscription to view the photos you are interested in seeing.
- If you do not find your photos, please let us know. You can reach us at
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