Broker Investments, Inc. - Minneapolis, MN
May 12, 2016
Tom received an offer from Broker Investments, Inc., and it was eye popping. He sent the Letter of Intent for our review and information. Here is a summary of what we uncovered:- The name Broker Investments, Inc. is listed in the list of registered businesses on the state's Secretary of State business portal.
- The name of the registrant is James Broker.
- The filing originally took place on April 11, 2007.
- The Principal Place of Business is listed as 799 Vicky Lane, Lino Lakes, MN 55014. Here is a photo taken from
- The Principal Place of Business listed on the company website: is 800 LaSalle Ave., Minneapolis, MN, which is a premier building in downtown Minneapolis.
- The building management company representative stated no one by the name of Broker Investments, Inc. pays rent in the building.
- The offer to buy Tom's weeks was $236,479 for a 3+6 Grand Luxxe contract. Note there was no disctiction between Villa or Master Suite.
- The commission is 9% "due at the closing for the property sale".
- Upon acceptance, the owner is to sign the LOI, attach a copy of the contract or maintenance fee bill as proof of ownership and send both by email or FAX - NOT BY CERTIFIED MAIL TO THE ADDRESS LISTED ON THE WEBSITE CONTACT PAGE.
Thank you for the alet Tom.