Aimfair - Member supported since September, 2008.

A rich information source about properties owned by and timeshare interests issued by Grupo Vidanta and its affiliates.

A place to Rent and List to Rent - Access Luxurious Living Experiences at Vidanta properties.

A place to Buy and List to Sell - contracts that access Luxury Living Experiences at Vidanta properties.

Aimfair is not affiliated with Grupo Vidanta in any way except through timeshare contracts issued to owners of Aimfair by Grupo Vidanta and its affiliates.

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Tips and information

  • We do not share personal information with anyone
  • Subscribing Members may list weeks available for Rent and contracts for Sale
  • To stay updated and start your journey with Aimfair, register here and then Subscribe
  • Subscribing Members may read full articles (not only headings)
  • Subscribing Members may post and discuss with other owners in the Owners Forum
  • Subscribing Members generously help offset production and maintenance costs and contribute information and photos to help keep others informed
  • Subscribing Members have full access to the site
  • Annual Membership Fee = $60 USD*

Happy traveling....and please stay in touch.